NEMF Working Group Flexibility

The Flexibility Working Group has been established as a concrete measure to support Nordic local flexibility initiatives after the 2021 online Forum. The aim was to collect Nordic success stories on the inclusion of local flexibility by the DSOs and to offer recommendations based on the lessons learned and experiences from the Nordic stories. 

The WG started in August 2021. The mandate was valid until the work finished in June 2022. 

Chair of the Working Group was Michael Gulbæk Arentsen from Dansk Energi until he changed his position, afterwards the NEMF Secretariat served as the convener.  

The working group finished its work with a public online seminar on 22 June 2022, launching our commonly prepared report “Distributed Flexibility – Lessons learned in the Nordics”. 

Access and read the report online:  
“Distributed Flexibility” (